I wanted to build these floating shelves for our dining room,
there was one problem.
We couldn't get an entire sheet of plywood in either our car or SUV.
What am I to do?
Get Home Depot a.k.a "Orange" to cut it for me.
I as in me, with out Matt and on my lunch break, and in dress clothes went to Home Depot armed with my specific cut list and got everything that I needed for these floating shelves!Go Orange!
This is "Charlie" ( I don't remember his real name) He was super nice and was very helpful.
I even high fived him when he was finished.
Super GEEKY moment, I know. He laughed.
Nevertheless, I did it on my own, and I was proud.
Now, onto the real task at hand.
Tackling the project!
I will post about the shelves, next Monday.
I am still working on decorating them.
They turned out F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S!
Stay tuned !
Can't wait to see the shelves!