

15 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along: 15 Weeks

Size of baby: The size of an apple

Total Weight Gain: 6lbs

Gender: Can't wait to Find out! 22 days!!!!

Movement: None, Baby W is still to small
(I hope soon though)

Cravings: Lemons, Pickles, Sonic Tator Tots

What I miss: Sweet Tea (Its all I used to drink, to much caffeine now)
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well!

Symptoms: Light-Headedness and Backache

Best moment of the week and weeks past: Clearing out Baby W's nursery

What I am looking forward to: Decorating the Nursery and June 2011 =)
Dr. Appt next week and finding out what we are having!

I also put up a voting poll to see what Baby W will be on my right side bar!

I had  a jealous puppy just staring at me, so I grabbed him for a pic!

A few more weeks until we find out what we are having. We have a doctors appointment next week then we will have a doctors appointment two weeks later to find out.
I will post about our names soon.....We are both in love with both the girl and boy names!

At what week did you find out what you were having???


  1. I don't remember the week I found out with any of them but it was around 18 weeks.
    Also you need to get decaffeinated tea. That is what I drank the entire time I was pregnant with Adeline and we are still drinking it today. Tastes the exact same!
    Looking good!

  2. We found out at 17 weeks with Landon and I believe 15 weeks with Lou. We only found out early due to complications/high risk issues though. Normally after 18 weeks is the norm. Hope things are going well!


Thank you for leaving me comments and thoughts!! Have a great day!