

24 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along: 24 Weeks!  6 Months!

Size of baby: An ear of Corn. About 1 1/4lbs!

Total Weight Gain: 19 lbs

Gender: Precious Baby Boy: Levi Maddox

Movement: Levi has been having some strong kicks lately,
Matt was able to feel Levi kick last week,
and he has started to kick my stomach hard enough to just sit and watch my stomach. Amazing.

Cravings: French Onion dip

What I miss: Sleeping on my Back or Stomach
and having a normal sized bladder!

What I am Loving: That Matt got to feel Levi kick

Sleep: Getting Better thanks to the 5 pillows that I sleep with each night!

Symptoms: I have been getting out of breath a few times
and a few hot flashes

Best moment of the week and weeks past:
Getting all the nursery details sorted out

What I am looking forward to:
June 2011
putting up the wall mural in the nursery
baby showers

My stomach feels like it is getting rock hard and it is getting more uncomfortable to lean over. I know, I know that I have a LONG time to go though!

My SIL Christie sent these cute onsies over for Levi, thank you. I am getting so excited.

1 comment:

  1. OMG...I've been gone so long and you're pregnant! That is such awesome news! Congratulations! I love the name look wonderful!

    Take care...and I'm so glad to be back in blogland...whew!



Thank you for leaving me comments and thoughts!! Have a great day!