

Dr. Appt Update

I wanted to right a quick update about our 26 week Dr. Appt yesterday.
Levi's Heartrate was 156bpm, and she measured my stomach and everything was growing as it should. Alot of people have commented that I looked so small for 6 1/2 months pregnant, so this was a welcomed confirmation.
My blood pressure was normal as well. We go back in two weeks for the gucose test and a 4D ultrasound.

After the appt yesterday, Matt and I went and registered. That was alot of fun and hopefully we didnt leave anything out.

Matt wanted to register for a TV soooo bad, he was kidding though.

We are planning on finishing up the last three projects in the nursery this weekend so I should have another update next week.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear things are going so well with you and the baby! Don't worry about the size you are! Enjoy it! The baby really grows the last of the pregnacy and you may just be one of the moms that don't show it all on the outside! Best wishes to you and your new little family!


Thank you for leaving me comments and thoughts!! Have a great day!