

Levi Birth Story: Part1

The Week you were born……
It all started on Sunday evening June 19, 2011 (Father’s Day). We had been over at Randy and Debbie’s to celebrate with Randy for father's day, and later that evening we were laying on the couch watching Poirots Masterpiece Mystery, Or should I say that Matt was =). About 8:30 I started to feel some cramping that would come and go, so I decided to time them. I didn’t let Matt know at this point, because I wasn’t really sure what was going on. The “contractions” were 6-7 min apart. We headed onto bed, but I didn’t sleep. The contractions were 5 min apart at 10:30, but they didn’t hurt. So I finally woke Matt up and said that I think we need to go to the hospital because all that I have ever read was that when your contractions were 5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute, and for 1 hour, get to the hospital. That’s what we did….
I checked in, and they hooked me up to monitors where I was watched for about 1 hr, and was told that I was 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. My dr. wasn’t on call for the weekend so they phoned her partner, and she said that I wasn’t far enough along so they felt comfortable sending me home. I was ok with that decision because it gave me a glimpse of how things kinda went and what contractions felt like on a very very minor scale.
Tuesday June 21, I had my 39 week doctor appointment with Dr. Mestemacher and they did another ultrasound and I was told that you were measuring 8lbs 5oz. I was getting nervous at this point. You were gonna be big =). Dr. M confirmed that I was dilating and was currently at 2cm and 50 % effaced and you were at -3 station. She decided to do a membrane sweep to get things going (boy did that hurt). I spent the afternoon just feeling blah. My stomach and back were aching and just didn’t feel good.  I took a bath and went to sleep.
Wednesday June 22, Azul and I spent the day around the house because I still didn’t feel well at all.
Thursday June 23, I went grocery shopping and decided to head into town to get Azul groomed and his nails trimmed and filed. I felt pretty good, but was feeling a lot of pressure after walking around quite a bit.
Friday June 24, was much of the same, spent around the house. I love these days! Call me lazy, but I was soaking it up before Levi came.
Saturday June 25, I woke up and had started to have a pinkish discharge and got all excited. I had read a lot that this could be the start of labor and I could begin to feel the contractions within 24 hours…..

Note: Bad stopping point, I know! Sorry!

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