I can't believe we have a 4th month old!!!!
He is starting to want to sit up and not lay down so much. He still has a long way to go with his balance!
Comparison Photos
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Not sure why there are X's on some of the photos????
Here are some photos from his 17th week!
He has the most adorable square face and chin dimple =)
He still enjoys being worn in the sleepy wrap, although I am starting to research different kinds for when he is older and something Matt doesnt mind wearing.
He is tired here.....we are still battling the whole sleeping issue, but napping seems to be getting better.
Back to the sleeping issue, he only wanted to sleep with me for 2 weeks straight. He looks cozy huh?
He has been making "m" sounds and silly faces
Back to the sleeping issue, he is snuggled up to me in my bed. Never thought I would co-sleep, but I NEEDED SLEEP TOO! He sleeps pretty good with me, except for his flailing arms smacking me in the face =)
He is really liking his toys. This is an owl lovie that my friend Becca got him. Matt wants to call him "hooter''.....his name is "Owlie"
1st day at a new nursery
He can sit with support for a few brief seconds
Big boy stoller ride!
He loved being able to see out
We take him tommorrow for his 4month check up and shots.
I will update the blog with his stats Saturday....if we get some SLEEP!
He's sooooo cute! Love that boy!
Oh what would we do without the sleepy wrap??? I still wear Adeline in it.