

6 Month Check Up and Cardioligist Appt {2 Weeks Late}

Levi had his 6 Month Check up last Monday. He was 17lbs 12 1/4oz (50%). He was 26.75 inches long (75%) nad his head was 43cm (25%)

Mommy got creative and drew on the paper

Notice Anything. Its 2012 Ashlee!
Im sleep deprived

I love this pic

He also had a cardiologist appt the next morning, which was a huge mistake, we should have rescheduled. He did not feel good after the shots, and spent the whole time there screaming. I cried all the way home because my nerves were just shot.

These were taken in the car after I calmed this sweet boy down.

I can not get enough of these eyes and pouty lips


The VSD that he had when he was 3 days old has closed up so everything is great with his heart!

Ventricular septal defect describes one or more holes in the wall that separates the right and left ventricles of the heart. Ventricular septal defect is one of the most common congenital (present from birth) heart defects. It may occur by itself or with other congenital diseases.

If the defect is small, no treatment is usually needed. However, the baby should be closely monitored by a health care provider to make sure that the hole eventually closes properly and signs of heart failure do not occur.

Thank you Jesus!!

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