Is he a cutie?
He was sooo hard to get to sit still today. I would get one pic then he was off crawling so this was the best one out of 60.
Update on Levi
- He is into so much right now, its hard for me to type without him grabbing at everything in his sight =)
- He is taking 4 bottles during the day and trying to get him down to 3
- He sleeps any which way he wants to lately...back, side, tummy, face in blankets, etc.
- He is eating 3 meals and some snacks in between. I am trying to get him taking more finger food but he is very picky and does not like meat AT ALL.
- He is crawling everywhere and is getting very fast
- He still takes 2 naps a day
- He loves to read, take walks, be outside, play with Azul, see Daddy walk through the door, club crackers, bathtime (hates getting lotion on)
- He is starting to recognize people more and more.
- We still call you "Levi Man" all the time
- He has learned to sit himself back him from being on his tummy
This last month flew by, I seriously remember typing out his 9month upate just yesterday.
He is so sweet!
He is getting dedicated Sunday so I plan to post pics next week of that special occasion!
A few other Pics:
And he is off....
Round 2
And he is off again....
Love this picture
61 days until his big 1yr Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is such a cutie! Just thought I would let you know that Adeline wouldn't eat meat at all while she was teething so you might keep trying and he may get better. It was a few months that she would barely eat meat and we just relied on cheese and her formula at that time for her protein. Dr. Z wasn't concerned as long as it didn't hurt her growth and it clearly didn't. :)