I went over.
And I can pinpoint exactly where too, and it has to do with cravings starting to take place =)
1. Edy's Ice Cream Single Serve (not pictured: already indulged)
2. Simply Lemonade with Raspberries (not pictured: already drank)
3. Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate: Good Price at $1 a box
4. Chicken Rawhides for Azul (Poor thing has been missing these)
I am branching out and trying different types of meat such as chicken drumsticks. Can you believe that I have only bought boneless chicken breasts. I got a whole package of chicken drumsticks for $1.88. I even made a new recipe with them and it was soooo good!
Dont forget to check out hiptosave.com and mymemphismommy.com for weekly coupon matchups!
Gotta love cravings! I had to have chick-fila fries with Daniel, Lenny's sub sandwiches with David and sweets (lots and lots) with Adeline. David's was the most expensive but Adeline's packed on more pounds!