


I went over.
And I can pinpoint exactly where too, and it has to do with cravings starting to take place =)
1. Edy's Ice Cream Single Serve (not pictured: already indulged)
2. Simply Lemonade with Raspberries (not pictured: already drank)
3. Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate: Good Price at $1 a box
4. Chicken Rawhides for Azul (Poor thing has been missing these)

I am branching out and trying different types of meat such as chicken drumsticks. Can you believe that I have only bought boneless chicken breasts. I got a whole package of chicken drumsticks for $1.88. I even made a new recipe with them and it was soooo good!

Dont forget to check out and for weekly coupon matchups!

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love cravings! I had to have chick-fila fries with Daniel, Lenny's sub sandwiches with David and sweets (lots and lots) with Adeline. David's was the most expensive but Adeline's packed on more pounds!


Thank you for leaving me comments and thoughts!! Have a great day!