I made Levi a custom no sew crib skirt (using these directions from young house love).
I learned a valuable lesson.
Not all cribs are made alike!
I followed the directions perfectly, but when I went to attach the skirt, there was a bar in the way.
I improvised and had to undo some of my "hem" then attach it.
The stripes were also hard to match up with the sides, but you cant really notice.
The reason it curves on the sides was because I couldnt attach the skirt as one whole piece but had to to it in 3 parts because of that nagging bar that was part of the crib.
Here are the pics
Who am I kidding! You can so see the uneveness of the stripes,
oh well, right? It gives it character and the custom look =)
I attached several velcro to the metal spring on the crib so it is easily removable
You can see what I am talking about here.
I am happy overall with the project.
I love the bold bright colors of the fabric.
I have also finished up his curtains with the owl print, and it turned out so stinkin cute. Hopefully we can get them hung this weekend!
On a side note,
Matt and I went to the doctor today, and Levi is doing great. His heartbeat was strong and louder this time. We go back in 4 weeks then I start my every 2 week appointments along with a glucose test and a 4D ultrasound, yay!( Well, maybe not the glucose test)
The glucose test isn't that bad. The stuff takes like a really sugary sprite. The skirt looks great and the stripes aren't that bad matching up. Really I doubt anyone will notice. I can't believe your 2 week appointments are almost here. That is when things really started to fly by for me! Get ready baby Levi will be here soon!