
21 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along: 21 Weeks!

Size of baby: The length of a carrot, 10 1/2 inches in length, and about 3/4lb!

Total Weight Gain:  Forgot to weigh myself

Gender: Precious Baby Boy: Levi Maddox

Movement: Levi has been moving around and has been kicking more!

Cravings: Not much of anything....just hungry

What I miss: Sleeping on my Back or Stomach.

What I am Loving: My hair has tons of body,
feeling Levi kick where I can feel it occasionally,
and my face seems to be clearing up some!

Sleep: I am waking up alot to go to the bathroom.
and I have been having some VERY ODD DREAMS

Symptoms: Levi has been putting pressure on my bladder when I walk,
it seems as though I always have to go to the bathroom.

Best moment of the week and weeks past:
Getting all sorts of nursery details nailed down.
My SIL also gave us a bath tub and a kaboost!
Getting his crib put together

What I am looking forward to:
Starting on the nursery,
I am going to post a the color scheme and theme later this week.

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