
A whole month of pics

Ok, it has seriously taken my 2 weeks to get this post up. My pics take forever to load, I am a month behind and I am blogged Out!

Here are a months pics of Sweet Levi!

Dont know what he is doing here, he just is being silly

Valentine Card and $1 from Gma Judi

Sweet Smile that makes my heart melt

LOVES walks, but hates when we stop. MUST.KEEP.MOVING

Enjoying a sucker

Playing Where is Momma

This pic is sooo cute. He was extremely hot one afternoon and his chheks were flushed

Another Sweet Pic

Levi loves bath time. We give him a bath every evening now although we dont bathe him but 2x a week

1st trip to the zoo.
This should be a post in is own

Blue Eyes like Daddy

Is this not the freakiest pic of Azul?!?!

Having Fun with books

Screaming at Azul

One of my favorite pics EVER. He is so big, isnt he?
It looks like I am far away from him, but I am an arms reach from him

Ready for a walk
It seems like He is saying "Here is my dog, Azul"

There is Levi's 33, 34, 35 and 36 Week Post
( He is 38 Weeks, so I am STILL 2 Weeks behind, sheesh!)

He will be 9 months next Tuesday so stayed tuned for his Monthly Photo and Update!

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