
Levi's Birthday Wish List

Here are some things I am eyeing for Levi's 1st Birthday!

I would love to get him some TOM shoes and these 3 designs are my favorite!!

I know for certain that Matt and I are getting Levi the Wee Ride  bicycle attachment. I know he will love it!

I think Levi would also love this Step 2 Push Car

This swing can hang from the awning that Matt just built for us. I never thought to hang it from there until I saw my friend Lindsey do that. She has a set of triplets that are 6 weeks younger than Levi.

This next toy is a classic! Oh, how I am excited about Levi's next year. Lots of discovery and learning gonna take place!

He likes when Matt and I stack things, he like to push them over so I defintely think some nice building blocks would be fun.

And He LOVES bath time, so maybe some wind up bath toys would be great or some floating stacking toys!

He also loves books (esp Lift the Flap book and Touch and Feel), puzzles, and anything that lights up!



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